What it means to offer value at DI IORIO

Pricing & Employment Structure

An insight into our tiered pricing and the experience levels required  

At DI IORIO, we have a strong emphasis on value. In such a challenging economic climate, it’s important that we strive to be valuable in the time we spend together. It’s also important to offer flexibility and care with simpler services, in-turn, helping boost the growth and development of our team.

It’s no secret we have a great focus of growing and nurturing the future talent of our industry. In fact, our Juniors have 1 on 1 training for 3 hours a week for at least the first 2 years of their career. Their career path is outlaid for them to grow into and once they have passed their initial tests, these services become available to them with their very own pricelist. Re-growth, Full tint, Keratin treatments, blow-dries and all styling services are the fundamental skills they acquire almost immediately and they get their opportunity to work in our environment as soon as they are deemed capable.

As our junior’s progress in their career path, so too does the value in which they can provide, in-turn, becoming reflective in the pricing structure along with the services they are able to provide.  

All stylists who work at DI IORIO comply with a very strict ‘2nd opinion’ rule to ensure multiple eyes are across any colour & cut work on the salon floor. This helps ensure the right result and care can be provided to our customers and ultimately, creates a safe environment for our team to be who they are when they work.

Having a tiered pricing structure also helps reflect our time spent in a career. Hairdressers work long and hard to be able to have the skills to meet the expectations of the customers who visit our salon. Colouring hair is a scientific process that requires gruelling, brain-boggling studies with a huge amount of trial and error. It’s one thing to develop the theory, but another to get hands-on and practical – hence yet again another valuable part of our pricing structure.  

To become a Colour Specialist in our salon that you require a minimum of 2 years as a senior (that’s 5 years in total) followed by a 12-month colour degree course provided by Loreal Professional. This is not only a financial investment but a considerable amount of time spent towards acquiring this title. In our business career, we have been fortunate enough to have 3 graduates of this course, 2 of which who still work with us today.  

To paint the perfect picture, we have shared our tiered price structure below with the average price of some of our popular services. We have also shared some nuggets regarding their years in our industry and what service limitations our team have – we think you’ll find this extremely helpful; 

Junior StylistEmerging StylistGraduate StylistSenior StylistSpecialist Stylist
4 months – 1 Year experience 1 – 3 Years experience4+ Years experience5+ Years experience 6+ Years experience & Degree Graduate 
Ladies Wash & Blowdry $45$54$62$72
Ladies Wash, Cut & BlowdryNot Capable$63$77$90$105
Re-Growth & Blowdry $125$150$174$196$212
Half Head Foils, Gloss & Haircut + BlowdryNot Capable$167$206$244$295
Balayage, Gloss & BlowdryNot CapableNot Capable$235$272$312

* With the above being loosely provided, it’s important to note that these figures can be considered your starting from price. We always consult before your service and re-quote before commencement. This ensures a calming and understanding service for your visit ahead.  

We value the time our customers give us and in-turn, we ask for them to value the time we have put into our careers. We truly believe that time is a commodity we cannot give back, therefore, we always strive to be valuable in the time we have together. 

What it means to offer value at

It becomes a constant point that we draw our focus to – value. In such a creative field, it can be a challenge to offer many forms of value as everyone’s expectations are so different.  

We always start with trust. Clear and honest communication creates clarity around the real expectations when delivering on your hair results. Experience plays a huge part in being able to achieve these results and that will always be supported by expertise. We bring energy into our workplace daily which helps us be the consistent professionals we aspire to be.  

Over time, this has enabled us to build our reputation, strengthen our relationships with our brand partners and ensuring that we are able to create a fun and loving work space we have.  

The above sounds great but the best and strongest part that we offer in value, is the hardest to articulate. A safe environment for feedback. In such a competitive field, its impossible to become everyone’s hairdresser. What is possible though is that we welcome all feedback, positive and negative. We do this through our follow up process and we ensure that voices are heard. Opportunities to communicate and rectify if need be exist, and that the foundation for a solid relationship can be set.