Diior10 team getaway

Back in May, during the LÓreal business conference, Daniel came across the paths of 2 colour specialists who apply their trade in Melbourne. Upon talking with the owners of TKAY Studio, it became clear that they were extremely passionate and motivated about education for colour.

Determined to continue to expand our skill set in colour work, Daniel decided to book a date for his team to visit them in Melbourne. Beyond securing an intimate private education experience, it was going to be a great team bonding exercise that would really cement the culture and relationships of the team.

The agenda was sent through based on the educators’ strengths and the team’s desires. With current hot trends such as lowlighting, shadow roots, balayage and the Hailey Bieber brunette, it was safe to say the team was in line to receive some great inspiration.

The day started nice and early with a 6am flight to Melbourne. Touched down safely and went straight to breakfast where the team were able to discuss what we were looking forward to. Angelina was really interested in lowlighting, with Bela and Lexi looking forward to picking up some lightening techniques regarding balayage and face framing. Daniel on the other hand was there to pick their brains about service, experience, value, and opportunities to grow DIIOR10 into a better business.

Ash and Kyra begun the day working through their live demonstration models. Ash taught us the power of lowlighting and created the Hailey Bieber brunette with Kyra opening our minds to the world of highlights showing off her face frame and balayage techniques. Once their live demos were completed, the team got hands on to recreate the looks. Angelina and Daniel worked the lowlighting with Bela and Lexi totally smashing the highlighting techniques! The day ended with an Instagram masterclass (images featured here in the article) using the models and their finished looks.

A long day? You bectha! But for what it’s worth, our team came home energetic and excited to use these skills on the salon floor. Daniel was thrilled to have this opportunity with his team and endeavours to continue to provide these types of opportunities in the future. We have always had a great belief in an education culture in our salon and truly believe it is the main reason for our success.